Page 505 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 505
P0R THE YEAR 1910. 81
rCpUtafi°n. And wo all expect from Your Honour accord with us and a meot-
•n!r with us on this basis, because wo believe in your Arabian zeal, and bccauso
luch a meeting will have a beneficial and desirable effect and an auspicious
resu It for all cf us.
You should oxplain to us all that is in your mind and wo will put our-
sclve8 in your placo in regard to all matters affecting you which concern you
in respect of honour and interests. If then you accept our voiws as above,
this is the object of our desire: if not, we Khali be absolved from responsibility
for we havo explained matters to you by way of advice and guidance and we
pray to God for a satisfactory and auspicious result. This is what- had to be
explained- We requost you to convey our salaams to brothers. Hero the
respected friends already referred to salute you.
And may you bo preserved safely.
(Seal) Abdul Aziz ibn Abdur Rahman al Faisal.
Dated the 25th Muharram 1335.
Translation of set of instructions to be communicated to and imposed upon the
Dhafir, Sliammar and Ajman.
With tho consent and approval of Ibn Saud and the Shaikhs of Kuwait,
November 1916.
1. That until the end of this universal war it is incumbent on the tribes
which are in friendly relations with the Brirish Government to siuk their inter
tribal differences and enter into an agreement with one another in order to
co-operate with the British Government. On these conditions the Dhafir tribe,
and those of Ibn Tawala, and tho Ajman tribe, should adopt a united attitude
and should abandon differences existing between them with a view to earning
the satisfaction of tho British Government.
2. The Ajman are not to raid the inhabitants of al Aarid, either townsmen
or nomads, and similarly the people of Aarid are not to raid the Ajman.
3. The Ajman shall not raid the Arabs dwelling in the Nigrah (i.efrom
Kuwait to al Hassa) with the exception of the tribe of Umtair nor shall the
said tribes raid them (tho Ajman).
4. All tribes who are subjects of the Amir Abdul Aziz Al Saud (the
near and far), who ply to Kuwait with caravans, shall be free from molestation
ooth going and eoming, even the tribe of Umtair.
5. Outgoing and incoming caravans of Najd, which carry away merchandise
from Kuwait to all towns of Najd, shall not be molested.
6. 8hould any of the Ajman who are with Ajaimi start raiding, the
friendly Ajman shall not allow them to come near them nor help them in any
M'ay and shall not mix with them and none of them shall join the raiding
parties of tho friendly Ajman, except those who may come over to live with
lae latter and become part of them.
V. The tribe of Umtair, both those who are located at thoir own camping
placea and those who go on raids from those places, are not prohibited from
^aiding the Ajman and vice versa.
8. Should the Ajman seize any of the Umtair trade caravans exporting
fttods from Kuwait, they must restoro the same completely and if Umtair seize
A]man’B caravans they must likewise make restoration.
9- None of the friendly Ajmnn shall sond any^ of the goods which they
KOt from Kbamisiyah, Zubair and Kuwait to the Ajman who are with Ajaitni
. .10. They shall not be friendB with enemies of the British Government*
ch as Ajaimi and tho Shammar Aabdab, hut shall raid them.