Page 509 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 509


                                       APPENDIX I.
                               1st JANUARY—31 er DECEMBER 1'JIG.
               On January 1st, HHO. Persian Gulf Squadron under Commodore D St. A. Wake C. B.t
           consisted of “Juno/* "Philomel/’ " Pyr.unua." "Lawreuce," " Dalhousie," "Bramble,"
           4‘ Brit mart," " .Muzaffi-r ’ and armed launch “ Azerbaijan.” The distribution was, speaking
           generally, to have half the squadron in th*1 north with Busbiro ub Headquarters, the other
           half being stationed in the south with Maskat as lle idquarters. '* 1 hilumol " worked as
           Senior Ollicer of the southern portion acting under the orders of the Commodore, bat with
           practically a free hand. “ Juno " with Commodore on board remained north.
               1 here was a certain amount of unre6t round Bushire at the hegiuuing of the year. An
           attack by the ho>tile tribe was possible and measure* w«*re taken to giv** the necessary assist­
           ance to General Officer Commanding, Bushire, in ease such an eveutual.ty occurred.
               The general position of the ships in the north was one off No. I Post, Malileh, one off
           Reshire, and om* off the l.useian Cousulate. Later on, oue ship Bramble ") was taken up
           Pooda Creek and moored off No. 10 post where olie commanded the Masbileh. Tnis is the
           first occasion on which a vessel of any size has got 60 far inland and it created a great im­
           pression. Also a battery of thr-e n«val 12-pr. guns on mobile mouuliugs was stationed at
           the Residency aud from time to time a big naval force was on shore t° assist the troops. In
           addition a certain number of mines were laid at various points, guncotton beiug provided by
           the “ Juno." Later on, these mines were removed as iheir utility was doubtful, the only
           damage done by them being to blow up a few jackals and an old woman.
              At the end of February Brigadier-General E-lwanles. D.S.O., was relieved by Brigadier-
           General Dougl is, C.M.G. From that time onwards scares were fewer and eventually General
           Douglas cairn* to the conclusion that he did noc consider the presence of a ship up Pooda Creek
           was necessary, nor did ho require men to bo landed from the ships. The ship was taken away
           from Poodt.i Creek aud gradually all reamen, with the exception of u small guard for the 12-prs.,
           returned to their ships aud, except for a small party landed from "Euryalus" to take part in
           the expedition against Sari Bast and Chakadak, in April, there has been no need to land parties
           from liis Majesty’s ships since.
              His Excellency Vice-Admiral Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, K. C.B., C.M.G., M/V.O.,
           Commander-in-Chief of the c.ast Indies and Egypt station arrived at Bu-hire on 8th Apr 1
          in H. M. S. " Eury.dus ’ and the same day left for Mesopotamia in H. M. S. " Imogeue. "
              "Juno " proceeded to Bombay for refit and •* Euryalus " remained at Bushire until the
          return of the Commander-in-Chie’f when she sailed south visiting Hen jam, Jask and Maskat.
              At the end of April a partial blockade was established off the Tangistani Coast at the
          request of the Deputy Political Resident and all sailings to and from those ports were
          stopped. This patr-d was to prevent the possible escape of Wassmass to Arabia ami to bring
          pre>sure to b *ar on the hostile chiefs who were detaining British subjects at Ahram. The
          patrol was withdrawu and blockade raised on 10th August when the release of British
          subjects from Ahram was arranged.
              A regrettable incident occurred in May when a friendly native of Salimabadeh was fired
          and severely wounded by men from the hostilo village of Karri while he was visiting H. M. S.
          " Mozaffer." The Chief of Karri was given the option by the Deputy Political Resident
          of paying a Gne and tendering an apology in person to the Commodore or having his towers
          destroyed. Finally, after ample grace had been given him, the latter course wa9 taken and
          " Juno " and " Lawrence" demolished two towers and took away two dhows. The following
          month he repeutod and came round to Bushire and made a formal apology on board
          " Lawrence."
             During April occurred the murder of the native Residency Agent at Lingah. H. M. S.
          "Hardinge" was despatched from Bushire and " Philomel " and " Mozaffer" from Maskat
          to endeavour to intercept the murderers but without success as they had landed at Nabaud
          and'gone inland.
             In June, partly as a punishment for the above and partly to assist the Darya Begi in
          establishing his authority as Governor of the Gulf Ports. "Juno" and "Bramble" in
          company with the Darya Begi in H. I. P. M. 8. "Persepolis " proceeded to Azalu, Nakl Taki,
          Chiru and Shiwu and destroyed the towers and forts. A party of tufangchis was landed
          at each port, the local chiefs dismissed by His Excellency and loyal chiefs installed. The
          whole affair was rao*t successfully carried out and was only marred by a regrettable incident
          some days later after "Juno " hud gone south when fire was opeued on the Darya Begi’s
          meu at Chiru and three of his tufungehi# killed and one man in " Bramble" severely
          wounded. Hitherto care had been taken to do no damage to the houses in the various
          towns, but on "Juuos" return lo Chiru the towu was shelled aud set on fire. Theresnlt

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