Page 511 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 511
FOR THE TEAR 1910. 87
Hit of visits made by Ilts Majesty’s ships at various ports during year 1916—contd.
Tort. Fulabor of visits and ahipo vlaltod by.
Charbar Philomel (8), Pyramua (7), Britoraart (8), Mozaffer (2).
Chiru Bramble (1).
Pebai Lawrence (1), Britomart (1).
Dilain Juno (1).
Pilwar Lawrence (1).
Eao Lawrence (4), Philomel (1).
Galag Philomel (1), Britomart (1).
Gwadur Bramble {l), Britomart (1).
Gwartar Pyramus (2', Britomart (1).
Hen jam Pyramus (2), Juuo (1), Philomel (10), Lawrence (1),
Bramble (3), Britomart (10), Mazaffer (4), Euryalua
Khor Iluesain Juno (1).
Jask Pyramums (11), Philomel (10), Juno (1), Britomart (6),
Bramble (1), Mozaffer (4), Lawrence (1), Euryalua
Ras Al Kaitneh Lawrence (1).
Kalat . • Bramble (2).
Karri . • Lawrence (2).
Kharag Philomel (1), Juno (6).
Khargeh Bramble (1).
Kuwait Philomel (1), Juno (1), Lawrence (4), Britomart (1).
Imogene (1),
Lawar . Lawrence (2).
Lingah Pyramue (3), Philomel (6), Lawrence (11, Bramble (3),
Britomart (4), MozaFer (1).
Maskat • Pyramus (12), Philomel (21), Lawrence (2), Britomart
(2), Juno (12) Bramble (2), Mozaffer (17), Euryalus
(2), Imogeue (2).
Pasni • Bramble (1).
Sharja . Philomel (3), Britomart (1).
Shibkuh Ports Bramble (2), Juno (1).
Shiwu . Juno (1).
Sib Mozaffer (1).
Sirri . Britomart (1).
Sohar Pyramus (1), Mozaffer (1).
Tahiri . Bramble (1).
Tangistani Ports Lawreuce (2), Bramble (4), Britomart (3), Mozaffer
Ras Torkum . Pyrainua (1).