Page 55 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 55
Zubarah, 1874-1870 381
immunities from taxation ; if tlioy did not liko it, they could leave the place, but
aa long ao they remained, they must furbish their share.
At 101 Biddali, Boni llajir tribcuincn.. ... 300
Klior Shajcyj, „ „ 00
Wuckmh, «, „ ' 00
101 Biddali, different triben olauding by to nuniol in the raid ... *100
A few days ago Sftlman bin Ahmed engaged a boatloconvey him to Kor-al-
Adayed. By-and-byo ho said ho bad leU or fifteen Bedouins ho wanted to take
to that placo.. Mahomed bin Syud Bookwarrab on licariug of Lhio scut for the
boat KacOda, and told him bo was npt to take tliosc passengers, an they wore
telling lies, what they wero really going to do was lo seize some boats at sea.
On hearing this the Beni llajir went to Jassim bin Thancc and asked him
for a bout, they would go out and aoizo some boats, take them lo Klicr Shajcyj,
and in Iho moautimo tho remainder of tho Bcui llajir could go on to that place
aud moot tho boats.- Uo told thorn to keep quiet until the 20th of this month,
and then ho would givoa boat.
Mahomed bin Syud beard of this, and sent wprd to Mahomed bin Thancc
of bis sou^ doings, at tbo oamo timo telling that beforo bo went to Bahreiu lie
was first to qunrrol, figlit, and finish ofT mo, Mahomed bin Syud and his fol
lowers. You are as well awaro as I am* that tho Sircar’s orders aro we arc not to
go to Baliroin or assist any ouo going there.
Wo nro not nblo to fight tho English by sea; our living is gained un the
w'atcrs, aud tlioy liavo it in their power to stop it if we misbehave.
Mahomed biu Tbauco told Bookwarrab not to take any nolico of what his
son JaBsimsaid, as ho was young and foolish. Bookwarrab replied it had already
gono abroad nil that his 6ou had said, and ho was not going to have his name
mixed up with it. X would rather quit tho placo with all my people, then you
can do as you like, for in eases liko this if the English ship should come hero on
account of tho BeM llajir having got boats from El Biddali, their ennuon balls
cau’t distinguish iuuoccnt from guilty, i
I told tbo bunyabs, if questioned on their return, they could say I have
heard about tbo Beni llajir movements, and would bo found at sea prepared for
them; it would ho quite easy for mo to .run their boats down.
Lottors and messages passed betwixt Mahomed bin Thauco aud Sheikh
Ahmed. Tlioy suggested Sheikh Ahmed coming on shore, that X could not
allow. I did not think it advisable to enter into communication with bin
Thauco myself, llaviug romained twonty-four hours in El Biddali I returned
lo Bahrein, nrriviug there on tho morning of the 19th. I caiuo aloug tho coast
iu 3 and 4 fathoms water as far as Zoharah; spcod four knots, auchoriug. at
nights, so that tho pearl boat9 and all the coast towns could sen that, the ship
was on tho coast, and from her slow inovomcnts, ovidcntly in no hurry, hut
rallior on tho look-out for aomothing.
No. 84, dated Bahreiu, 24 th August, 187-1.
From—Officer Cominauding Her Mnjooty'a Hugh lioze, 13.M.,
To—Political ltcaidont in tho PorainirQulf, Bushiro.
I niio to inform you of tho' safo arrival of tlio vessel under my command
hero on tho 23rd .instant at noon.' tfho May Fvcrc boing on tho harbour I
hauded over to Onptaiu Quthrio your(-lottcr to his. address.' In tho evening
X called upon Shqijch Esau, aud, liim'of. tlio statoof affairs hero.
Ho: appears now to bo porfcotly opnfldont that • no demonstration’will bo
made against tho placo, tlio mcro fact of an armed vessel boing boro is suffioiout
9 c