Page 51 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 51
Zubarah, 1874-1878 377
Trnnalnlcd purport of ft letter from Aoha Aiujr.u, Newo-writer, Bnlircin, to Reoident, Uualiirc,
No. 112, dated .Oth Augunt 1874.
News reached from L'Uassa that intelligence had been brought llicro that
Saood bin Ifayaul and his brother Abdulla bin li’cyaul had made up with each
other. Saood being at Iliadh and his brother Abdulla at IChussccm. It is
said that a person arrivod at L'Uassa from Saood to the tribe of Al Ejman, and
it is his intention to take the tribe there (to Saood.)
It is reported from L’llnssa that Nassir bin Mobarik is there, and is in a
slate of disquietude and is waiti ng for a reply to his letter from Bush ire for
it has delayed. Burgccah is in L’Uassa and borrows money from tho people,
for ho is in want nud tho people advance him ; he is also in fear of Saood.
Transited purport of ft letter from Aoiu Aiimf.I), News-writer, Bahrein, to Resident, Busline,
No. 113, dated 11 Hi August 1874.
I HEARD from thoso who arrived from Guttur that the Beni Uajir who went
to tho Shunnl from Al Biddah.havc now returned to their former place. They
continually,ask for vessels from Jassem and his father, and it is their intention
to cross to Bahrein. Tlioy asked Jassem why ho did not give them his vessels
to go over to Bahroiu, ho roplied that lie was incapable of doiug so. They then
said it is of no conscqucuco whether you give your vessels or not; if wo only
got ouo boat wo shall go to the fishery, Bcize tho boats and attack Bahrein.
The next day after tho abovo discussion, a boat was lying at anchor at Guttur,
when a party of ten of tho Beni Uajir suddenly rushed into the buggarah. On
tho pcoplo of tho buggarah crying out for help, they left her and ran away.
Mahomed bin Sanco lias given notice to all in the place not to give a boat to
tho Beni Uajir. The Beni Uajir rob every night al Guttur; they even robbed
from the Turkish officer's house some guuuios of rice.
Tho bunyahs of Guttur havo written to thoso of Bahrein to be wary at all
times as tho Boni Uajir ou getting boats will at onco attack Bahrein. Jassem
bin Mahomed bin Sauco apparently withdraws himself from the Beni Uajir,
but at least ho is with them. Hamad bin Abdulla and Salman biu Ahmed
nro at Guttur; thoy always correspond with Nassir bin Mobarik as also Nassir
bin Mobarik with Jnssom bin Sancc. Whou ho arrived from Lingah a
courrior arrivod with lottcrs for him, whom lie despatched soon aud replied
to their letters.
Tranelaled purport of a letter from Ahmed, News-writer, Bahrein, lo Resident, llushirc, No. 110,
dated 10th August 1874.
I heard from thoso who arrived from L'Uassa that Burgccah, tho Mulc-
8creof of that placo, imprisoned 15 of./tho oldora. It is said that lie found out
their inclinations towards Saood biu Pcysul, and that they corresponded in
scerot with each other.
J hear that Saood is in Uiadh, and it is his intention lo attack L'Uassa; ho
has assembled tho Arabs about himsolf. A ICnzco arrived by tho kafila from
L Hassa who had flod from that placo through fear of Burgccah. It is said
thatMouajeo, cousin to Burgccah, arrived at Knteef from L’Uassa, aud is collector
of rovenuoa for Burgeouh at ICateef; lie now lives at Demam. It is reported
from Katcof that tho ship atationed at lias Tanoora left for Busrah, and that
another is to arrive iu hor placo.
1' x?n .AV6U0t a kafila reached from L’Uassa, and it is said that Nassir
wh ^°^ar‘k i0 L'Uassa, but is preparing for a move, but docs not say for
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