Page 50 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 50
376 Records of Bahrain
On tho bunyahs receiving lottors from their brctlircn at Guttur they
being troubled camo to Sheikh Esau asking him to lot them tako their property
aud go away. Ho roplied ho feared if tlioy, loft his country tho peace will break
up, and there will be disturbances in th>o Government, assuring them that so
long that bis bead was in existence they .need not fear any wrong or damage
concerning thomsclvcs and their properly. Being satisfied with these reason*
ings thoy gave up their intention.
To-day Rnushed bin Jubr, Chief of tho Nneem, with 80 men of his .people,
arrived from Guttur, having heard tho ncys of tho Beni Unjir’s intended attack
on Bahrein. Sheikh Esau is very glad ty.scc Raushed, because tho Wacom are
of his party, and under a covenant with h;m, so that ho can safely roly on thorn.
I hear Sheikh Esau inlonds to send his brother Khaulid to tho Nneem in
the Castle Morair, which according to Sheikh Esau belonged to his father.
Ho has nUo launched his Bulecl Sainhar, intending to send out his brother
Sheikh Ahmed in it, with 80 men of his parly with arihs logo in circuit around
Bahrein to discourage BcuiHajir.
"When tho Government Steamer May 'Frcrc came, Captain Guthrio visiting
Sheikh Esau in liis house, the latter begged tho former to go on 14-th August
from Bahrein passing to Biddah and JDoubah taking Sheikh Ahmed on board
tho steamer with him, that a report might spread abroad that there is a Govern
ment atoamcr in that part of tho sea. Tho Captain complied with tho request,
provided Sheikh Ahmed would not laud at Biddah to which tho Sheikh consented.
The voyago according to tho Captain will’last three days.
When tho Bedouius who besides the Nneem have gathered in Bahrein,
Shoikh Esau hnviug called their Chiofu has told them that thoir coming to
Bnhroin is of u6 use to him as ho has no enemy in tho islaud but ou the
mniulaud. If they go and'attack his enemy without, aud some ono of them
bring him tidings of victory, be shall bo very glad to givo them somo presents,
or in other words to please them which cannot ho dono with less than
3,000 kraus.
Captain Guthrio 13 intending to mako a circuit around Bahrein iu caso ho
can get a good pilot, which Sheikh Esau has promised to procuro for him.
Translated purport of a letter from Aoua Aiimkd, News-writer, Bahrein, to Resident, Bushirc,
No. Ill, dated 8Hi August 1874.
I iieaud from IChalfan bin Rashid, al Soodan, who is located at Biddah,
aud who had arrived from Guttur, tho following :—" Salman bin Ahmed, cousin
to Nasir bin Mobarik, who is iu Guttur with Hamad bin Abdullah, wished to
biro my buggarah to tako three persons to Dobayo, but I suspected that there
was something in it* Arab hirod a buggarah for three pcrsou6, and that,
perhaps, they intoudod to ombark tho Boni Ilajir in tho buggarah, and take
possession of tho.buggarah by ‘forco, go fo oca and crcato disturbances there,
eithor to plunder any yoosol which may qomo across thorn, or embark iu hor to
go to Bahrbin.
i .it is said:that somo of tho .Boni'Haiir aro still at Guttur with Hamad
bin -Abdullab’''imd 'Salmau • bin Alimcu al Abdullah.- I heard that the
Boni Hajir- when thoy left- Guttur - pasted IChor Shajoyj in view of seizing
•somo vcssols.
• Jaseim bin Mahomed bin Sani arrived at Guttur from .Lingah, lie provides
for tho Bobi''Hajir and helps them, olbo they would not liavo remained near
El Biddah.