Page 49 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 49
Zubarah, 1874-1878 375
Translated purport of ft letter from Aiimf.d Auuun ltussooi., Ualiroin, lo British Resident, Per-
. niim Gulf, Duohirc, No. 100, doled Ctli August 1371.
Taosu coming from Gullur mention that Beni Ilajir leaving Outtur nine
dnya ngo have gono towards Ojair. ’They say they had asked Mahomed bin
Thnneo for some ships that they might on board thereof come to Bahrein, but
the latter refusing said to thorn luj could not afford to give. There being at
that limn two Bahrein ships anchored a (.Outtur, they asked Mahomed bin Thauec
to pcrijiit them to tako tho vessels', but bo would not do it. The Nacodus of
(ho two mentioned boats say Mahomed bin Thancc warned them to lake care in
their leaving Guttur not lo approach tho land lest Beni Ilajir who may be
traversing this coast liudiug opportunity should seize upon their boats.
Tiftuolftlcd purport of a letter from AnAimer. llussooi., Bahrein, lo British Resident, Per
sian Gulf, Bushirc, No.* 110, dated Hlh August 187-1.
I i IK All Sheikh Esau, Chief of Bahrein, is certain that tho Beni Ilajir will
appear from tho sidoof Biddah, for he lias heard they arc traversing the beach lo
soizo upon ships to pass thereon to Bahrein. If they ho ablo Lo get on they
may by means of that get maiiy others. Thcro have como many letters from
Guttur in Sheikh Esau’s name, &c., and also from lmnyahs at Guttur to their
brethren at Bahreiu all confirming the reports given by tho Nacodus of the
boats going to and lro between Guttur and Bahreiu.
It is snid the Bern Ilajir being tired of living at Biddab, and coming to
Mahomed bin Thancc they have asked him to furnish them with provisions,
which to their disappointment he has refused. When they asked him (o give
thorn boats that they might cross to Bahrein, saying they did not intend to live in
Bahroiu and rule over it, they simply meant to plunder and kill the inhabitants
and pass to the western coast, or themselves be all killed, lie replied he could
not do such a thing.
Tlioso comiug from Guttur mention that the people of Bahrein hud two
boats aucliorcd in the port of Bidduli; on tho Beni Ilnjir’s pointing to them,
Mahomed bin Tlmnce would not permit them lo take the boats. A fter Sheikh
Esau had licou cautioned both by direct letters and by verbal communications
through th’oso coming from Guttur, lie ordered lo have the boat Mussoowah ready,
and putting in it ten men with arms lie instructed them lo go about Bahrein
westward, that tho boats bringing Beni Ilajir may uot be able to draw near.
Ho mado also tho jolly boat ready, aud sent in it ten matclilookmcn with Saaed
*biu Aamor tho Bazaar master, ordering him to go towards Ojair to warn the
Bahrein boats to bo on their guard against tho Beni Ilajir lest coming lo Ojair
thoy may scizo upon them r.ud come on board them to Bahrein. Being warned
by -him llio boats returned to Bahrein, 60 did the Alussoioah without mccliug
with uuybouy.
Besides tlicso enmo a boom* belonging to .tho pcoplo of Kov/cil from
Ojair to Agaria of Bahrein, having on board it 30
• Nftllvo Tend.
Arabs of tho Ajmau and Al-Murrah tribes, and
another boat with 35 persons, being altogether about 70 souls (about 100 of
thorn bavo romained at Ojair): Tho said tribes wliou leaving Ojair had been
cautioned by the Chiof of tho plncp uot to cross to Bahrein to frighten the
Chief thereof, not having accepted tho admonition ho had spoken roughly to
thorn, whereupon thoy ran up to hirnj so that ho ruu away from them, entering
mto his chamber ho.shut* the door against thorn. Tho 100 porsons mentioned
abovo will by all moans according to tho roport como to. Bahrein. Though the
Nacoda of tho Jlftmowah romoiiRtratod against their being lauded llio seventy
mon wero landed. Sheikh Esau is ia great distress about thorn for lio must feed
y,ora*. Bosidcs tlicso thoro are about 400 miscellaneous AVab meu already in
Ikuiroin, According lo a report tlioso' Arabs aro vanguards of Nasir bin
Mobarik from llassa to.Babroin, nnd'Tlioro is somo secret between thorn!