Page 199 - DILMUN 24
P. 199
W١s an ٨slepieion fone hy the Scleuis
The extent of the Greco-Maeonian naval presence in the Gulf
uring the Hellenistic perio is a matter that is still ebate among
historians ealing with the subject. The iscovery of an inscription in
Bahrain revealing the existence of a maritime istrict calle Ty[os
an the Islans', with Tylos being the comman centre of this istrict,
strengthens the argument that the Seleuis establishe an extensive
naval infrastructure in the Gulf, which was necessary to sustain a staning
lfeet an to allow them to have control over navigation an trae. It
is this staning lfeet an naval infrastructure that the Charaeneans
inherite from the Seleuis, which permitte them an the Parthians
to continue the Seleui naval omination in the GuIf. The ifning of
an Aslepios bronze votive plaque in Bahrain might be the proof we
nee, which will allow us to propose that there was an Aslepieion
at Bahrain, a healing sanctuary of Aslepios, the go of meicine in
ancient Gree religion an mythology. Sumerian mythology potrrays
Dilmun (Bahrain) as a holy place an a place of healing. Perhaps
these mythological perceptions together with a number of temples on
the islan encourage the Gree colonists an militayr settlers on the
islan to introuce there the cult of Aslepios. It is quite possible that
bringing the cult of Aslepios to Tylos an the Guif was ifrlmy bace
an encourage by Seleui imperialism an ieology.
The Seleui naval policy an utilie an extene his leets
presence in the Gulf: an bases of operations' there.(3)
After Alexaner's eath, it was This practically turne the Gulf
the Seleuis who eventually into a Hellenistic lae. The Greco
implemente his plans to Maeonian naval omination
colonize the coast along the Gulf extene from the northern patr of
an the islans'.(1) TheSeleui the Gulf, starting with Alexanria
naval policy in the Gulf was, for Charax Spasinou, an continue
the most patr, a continuation of all the way own to its southern
that began by Alexaner'.(2) tip as far as hte Straits of Hormuz.
To achieve their objective, they The Charaeneans became the