Page 197 - DILMUN 24
P. 197


Wns an ٨slepieion foune hy the Seleuis

that the Seleui colonization the traition establishe by their

of the Gulf was manage from a preecessors: the assies,

maritime istrict calle yTlos an Assyrians, Babylonians an the

the lslans' with Tylos being the Achaemenis.

comman centre of this istrict.

At Tylos, the Athenian strategos in The Seleuis at Tylos:

charge of the islan was reporting Being the Seleui heaquarter

to the satrap of the eparchy of the for the maritime istrict Tylos

Erythrean Sea an later on to the an the lslans', Tylos was quite

ing of Charaene at Alexanria ١ an

on the Tigris-Antiochia-Charax important place for the Seleuis

Spasinou. He eicate a temple of in the Gulf. We o not have

DiosouroionTylosinfavourofthe sufifcient evience yet of the entire

ing of Charaene, Hyspaosines. Hellenistic presence in Tylos but

He was probably resiing in a we o now from archaeological

strategeion an the temple was ifnings that there was a Seleui

built close by. If we a to these settlement an habitation atOala' at

valuable ifnings the possibility al-Bahrain.(13) gala'at al-Bahrain

of an Aslepieion to have existe ominate Tylos from 23 B.C.

on the islan, together with to the Hellenistic perio an

Bibby's archaeological ifnings beyon. The Oala'at al-Bahrain

of the existence of a Hellenistic harbour an its surrouning

settlement (City V) at @ala'at al shoreline is reconstructe in the

Bahrain, our case for substantial iagram here below showing

Greco-Maeonian presence at probable Hellenistic an Seleui

Tylos is futrher strengthene. The settlements an habitations.

Hellenistic control of the Gulf was     The intetrial space between

a continuation of a long establishe the hypothetical shoreline uring

practice whereby, by traition, 3 B.C. was cut by a channel

the lane ominant power at running north-west to south-east.

southemr Mesopotamia was able to This channel, which was an almost

establish its omination in the Gulf two-m-long corrior, was cutting

as well. The Seleuis continue through the coral reef enabling

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