Page 193 - DILMUN 24
P. 193
Wa; an Aslepieion founded hy the Seleuids
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The sea tower structure close to which the Aslepios votive plaque was found.
According to Dr. Suweilah, the plaque was found by a Bahraini team in ١997.
(Photo by author)
Aslepios The spread of the and illed him with a lfash of his
cult The Aslepieion at yTlos: thunderbolt. Eventually however,
Aslepios was the Panhellenic 2eus brought Aslepios bac rfom
healing deity, considered in the Hades and made him immortal.
ancient world as the healing Until Aslepios' dominant entyr
Olympian par excellence. into the Gree pantheon, his father,
According to Gree mythology, Apollo, who was also addressed
his divine father was Apollo, hte as Iatros (Physician) or Paian
Seleuid patrongod, whileAtremis, (Healer), was the chief medical
the other favourite Seleuid deity, and healing Olympian. Apollo,
was the one that assisted during who is portrayed in the lliad as a
his bitrh. In the Iliad, Homer prime example of divine healer,
presents Aslepios and his sons received the epithet latros as early
as motral healers.(1) It is Hesiod as the sixth century B .C.(18) Steles
who identiifes Aslepios as son of bearing inscriptions at Epidauros
Apollo and thus as a divine doctor that record healing cases, nown
with extraordinayr healing sills. as iamata, narrate healing events
(17) 'eus got angyr with Aslepios that too place since the early
for raising a motral rfom the dead days of the cult. The stele listing