Page 198 - DILMUN 24
P. 198


                              Was ٨n Aslepieion foune by the Seleuis

   heirs of this Seleui mercantile was ifrmly uner the control of the

   expansion an omination in the Seleui ings nor was there any

   Gulf an of their powerful leet of evience that it forme patr of their

   the Erythrean Sea.()       area of influence.() In the light of

   The Gulfwas almost as important new archaeological evience in

   as Babylonia an Assyria in tribute Bahrain (ancientTylos) suggesting

   an tax payments.(5) Therefore, that Bahrain was the centre of the

   in the same way the Seleuis Hellenistic maritime istrietTylos

   exploite the resources of their an the islans'(,) combine with

   empire elsewhere, they i the previous archaeological ifnings

   same in the Gulf, where the major at Failaa (ancient Iaros)(8) an

   resources were ifshing, pearling literal evience about the presence

   an maritime trae. This coul of Antiochos III in the Gulf in

   only be controlle an regulate 25 B.C. on his retumr from his

   by a staning leet an a strong Anabasis,(9) as well as victorious

   naval an maritime infrastructure, campaign at the Straits of Hormuz

   which was establishe in the of umenios, the eparch of

   fomr of fotrinfe garrisone Messene(,1) an the inscriptions

   settlements an founation an from Antiochia in Persis at the

   re-founation of cities on hte Gulf ancient agora of Magnesia on

   coastline an the islans. In this the Meane(r11) an many other

   way, the Seleuis were able to Hellenistic archaeological an

   achieve their political as well as inscriptional ifnings, this oes

   commercial an militayr goals. not seem to be the case anymore.

   The inigenous populations came (12) It can be creibly argue

   uner imperial control an the now that the islans an other

   Seleui aimnistration was ableto convenient anchorages an

   provie safety for strategic traing coastlines within the Gulf became

   routes an overview collection an part of a protecte Seleui naval

   istribution of resources.  an maritime infrastructure, which

       Some years ago, there was not was necessary to sustain a staning

   enough irect evience to suppotr nfeet an eep the navigation

   these views neither that the Gulf an trae going, We now now
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