Page 192 - DILMUN 24
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                                         Was an Aslepieion founded by the Seleuids

   the earliest iama joins together the  cult and the number of sanctuaries
   healing faculties of Apollo and       of Aslepios were widely spread
   Aslepios under the titleHealing       all over Greece. Among the most
   by Apollo and Aslepios'.(19)          famous Aslepieia (temples of

   The iamata of later days mention Aslepios) are those at Bgpidauros,
   only Aslepios as the healing where the cult had its strongest

   physician, which is a proof that his presence, as well as in Athens,

   healing cult had already taen over os and Pergamon. At Epidauros,

   that of Apollo. We also now that where the cult of Aslepios had its

   the Seleuids considered Apollo most important expansion, he was

   as the divine father of Seleuos incorporated into an existing cult

   I, the founder of the dynast.y of Apoilo who was worshipped at

   For this reason, Aslepios was the sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas

   considered his divine brother. It located on a low hill on Mount

   is therefore reasonable to assume ynotrion. As the fame of

   that Aslepios, being boht hte Aslepios as healer and protector

   son of Apollo the tutelayr god of human health was spreading,

   of the Seleuids and the divine Apollo's sanctuary eventually

   brother to their dynasty's founder, became the Aslepios sanctuayr

   as well as the successor of Apollo at Epidauros and one of hte most

   as the chief medical and healing populra Aslepieia in antiquity.

   Olympian, was most favourably Aslepios was incorporated

   considered by the Seleuids to into pre-existing Apollo cults

   become patr of their imperialism in many other places lie os,

   and ideology. ln fact, it seems that orinthos(22) and Dor, some 3

   they were eager to encourage his m south of Haifa. At orinthos,

   cult to spread within their realm. archaeological findings prove the

   Strabo states that the ifrst gradual shifting of the cult from

   Aslepieionsanctuayr wasatTria Apollo to Aslepios between hte

   in Thessaly.(2) We also have middle of the iffth and the middle

   evidence that by the 5th centuyr of the foutrh centuyr B .C.(23) The

   the cult had spread to Larisa.(21) cult had spread to the island of

   ln the years that followed, both the os by mid-foutrh centuyr while
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