Page 187 - DILMUN 24
P. 187
Wns an Aslepieion founded by the Selerids
Dilmun: a place of holiness, a already existed on Tylos which
place of healing: might establish a base for the
The possible existence of an proposal for an Aslepieion and
Aslepieion on the island might the cult of Aslepios to have
tie well with Tylos having the moved to the island, we must go
reputation of being a holy land. bac to the Sumerian mythology
The many temples, the sweet and the history of Dilmun and its
spring water, which could have relation with Sumerian gods and
been regarded as holy water with particularly of god Eni. We will
healing properties, point out for have to loo at the myth of Eni
Tylos to perhaps have been both a and his consotr Ninhursag and
holy and a pilgrimage place. This how perhaps the people of Dilmun
view of Tylos' pilgrimage identity looed upon themselves and their
has been disputed and challenged island.The text ofthe mythological
by contemporary scholars. Perhaps poem of Eni and Ninhursag'
a more acceptable comparison found in Nippur might give us
is to recognise for Tylos a status all the answers. In the Eni and
similar to the Aegean island of Ninhursag myth, which too place
Delos.(39) But there is hardly in Dilmun, the latter is portrayed as
any dispute about the fact that, a blessed pure land where natural
according to Sumerian mythology ills, death and suffering have no
Tylos (Dilmun) was a holy place. place. According to the poem,
() For the Mesopotamians and The land of Dilmun is holy, hte
inhabitants of Tylos, the island land of Dilmun is pure'. The poem
was the place where the gods put goes on to tell us that Dilmun was
the survivors of the deluge. Thus, a place where [...] the raven
for the Sumerians, Tylos became uttered no cries [...]' and[...] the
the etemal home of the immotral lion illed not, the wolf snatched
ancestor of manind. Therefore, not the lamb, unnown was the
in order to examine the religious id-illing dog, unnown was the
nature and holiness of the island grain devouring boar [٠..3'. The
leading to the possibility of poem goes on to explicitly tell
whether healing sanctuaries us that Dilmun was a place of no