Page 183 - DILMUN 24
P. 183

Was an ٨slepieion foundel y the Seleuids

Attica. There is a strong probability district Tylos and the islands

that the cult of Aslepios might with Tylos as its headquarter.

have moved to Tylos rfom Athens "]n the nameofing Hyspaosines

due to the fact there could have and of Oueen Thalassia,

been an Athenian community ephisodoros, strategos of Tylos

at Tylos. Around 120 B.C., the and the Islands (has dedicated) the

strategos of Tylos was an Athenian ‫ ﺍ‬temple, to Diosouri Saviours, in

by the name of ephisodoros. This ex-voto'(8)

is evidenced in the inscription

found on a limestone which has            A marble, dated early third

been reused as a covering lid for century B.C., was found at Iaros

a tomb at the Sahura necropolis. with a dedication to Gree gods,

The name of the archon of Athens by an Athenian commander

in 325 B.C. was ephisodoros. and his soldiers. His name was

(7) It is quite probable that the Soteles (2goslng). The text was

two men came rfom the same reconstructed and translated to

prominent Athenian family, The read as follows:

inscription is a dedication of a          Soteles the son of Athenaios

temple to the Diosouroi on behalf (or Soteles Athenaios or Soteles

of Hyspaosines, the ing ofCharax the Athenian) and the soldiers to

Spasinou and his Oueen Thalassia 2eus Soter, Poseidon, Artemis

by the Athenian general in charge Soteira'(9)

of the maritime administrative

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                                                    ‫ﻑ ﻻﺃ‬

       hTe Soteles marble exhibited at the uwait National Museum (photo by author)

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