Page 182 - DILMUN 24
P. 182
Was a٨ Aslepieion founded bhy the Seleuids
This is one of four of the Athenian been a mere act of political loyalty
Soteles inscriptions found at but an addition to the facilities
Iaros.(50) This leads us to believe that already existed on the island
that the Gulf was probably a to tae care of the needs of seamen
preferred destination for Athenian and travellers going through
ofifcers and soldiers. Probably due Tylos since it is well nown that
to the Athenian community on the the Diosouroi twins, Castor
island, the cult was brought here and Polydeues, were patrons of
by them when they settled there. seamen and were regarded by them
They probably built a temple as their rescuers and saviours from
similar to the original Aslepieion dangers encountered at sea.(52)
that existed in Athens, which Such a temple for the safety of
included a small sanctuayr for sailors and travellers ties up well
the cult statue, as well as a with an Aslepieion for the curing
sacriifcial altar. Encompassed in and healing of seamen as well as
the sanctuary in Athens, there was travellers and other members of
a bothros which could have been a the community. Aslepios was
sacriifcial pit, or a home for snaes. also considered a saviour god
(51) Similar features exist for hte and at Pergamon he was nown
Apollo temple at Iرaros. Is this as Soter. It is well nown thta
another indication of Athenians the cult of Diosouroi, apatr
residing at Iaros and the Gulf from their bitrhplace Spatra, also
The temple of Diosouroi, which existed in Athens, where they were
was built and dedicated to the gods worshipped at the Anaeion which
by ephisodoros on behalf of his was not far rfom the Aslepieion.
ing Hyspaosines and his queen They were also called Anaes.(53)
Thalassia, might be related to hte This is additional evidence of the
existence already ofan Aslepieion possible connection of Tylos with
on the island. It might not have Athens.
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