Page 185 - DILMUN 24
P. 185
Was an Aslepieion founded lpy the Seleuids
ln the myth of Eni and Ninhursag, Some of them are associated with
Ninsiil, the deity Eni appointed fresh wate.r One is found in Umm
in charge of Dilmun, informs him es-Sejour made of an underground
that there is no water at Dilmun. staircase containing a ifnely made
In response to her pleas to bring well and well head. The sacred
water to Dilmun, he instructs the nature of the well was revealed
sun-God Utu to bring water to by the decapitated statues of two
Dilmun from underneath the earth. rams found on the stairs. Another
This is done and Dilmun drins example is the Barbar temple
the water of abundance. Her wells complex, which points to three
of bitter water, behold they are deities being important to this cult
become wells of good water'. centre in Dilmun, Eni and his
When Eni fell sic with eight consort Ninhursag and their son
ailments, Ninhursag too Eni's lnza, who appeared later as the
Ab (water or semen) into her body indigenous patron-deityofDilmun.
and gave birth to eight deities of In spite of the fact that by the time
healing, each specializing for one the Grees had reached Tylos the
patricular patr of the body. They temple was not operational, its cult
were thus able to heal Eni's might have been moved elsewhere
eight ailments. Among them, was on the island. The temple complex
Eshag (for the limbs), who was included a rfesh water spring and
appointed by Eni as the Lord of it is nown that a water cult too
Dilmun.() Enshag is identined place there.(6) A pool chamber
with the primary god of Dilmun, was discovered which consisted
Ina.(5) These mythical of a four by two metre sunen
connections of Dilmun with in chamber encased in ashlar walls
and with fresh water and deities of and enclosing the fresh water
healing might have created a myth spring. At the time of excavation,
around the place of being a holy the water level was one metre high.
place, thereby attracting patients Three large subterranean channels
and pilgrims. In the northwest led the water out to the surrounding
comrer of Bahrain wherever you gardens. A staircase led from the
dig, you might ind a temple. basin to an upper platform, where