Page 184 - DILMUN 24
P. 184
Was an ٨slepieion founded by the Seleuids
socet stones pierced with two nature while manind was deprived
holes each were located.The socet of eternal life. Therefore, the
stones were evidently supporting snae whenever it reaches beyond
the cult statues. AIl these suggest certain age gets rid of its sin and
that the pool was a temple-apzu rejuvenates. Archaeologists in
with healing properties or an entry Bahrain unearthed many snae
to the underwater world associated burials. These rituals signify the
with Eni. At this point, it is useful island's relation to healing and
to note that for the oracular and immortality. These rituals are
healing powers, which Aslepios similar to Aslepios and other
inherited from his father Apollo, healing practices, whereby the
water played a fundamental role snae was used to aid the healing
over and above its puriifcatoyr godby biting orlicing the patient's
nature. This can be attested by the wound. Since snaes were sacred
deep well that had been integrated to Aslepios, even non-venomous
in the cella of the 3rd centuyr ones were left to crawl on the lfoor
B.C. temple of Aslepios Soter at of the domritories of his healing
Pergamon and the water well at sanctuaries.
the Aslepios shrine at Dor, just to
name a few. The Athenian connection:
Dilmunites and other ancient The cult of Aslepios and his
people might have regarded the Aslepieion were introduced in
rfesh water spirngs of Bahrain as Athens in the days of the Peace
holy waters due the special favour of Niias in 219/ B.C., atfer
of EilEnagllnza. Dilmun the terrible plague that devastated
(Tylos) must have been the place Athens, illing about one-third of
where Gilgamesh had come in its population, including Periles.
his search for immortality. While The god travelled by sea from
Gilgamesh found and pluced the Epidauros to Pireas, the potr of
flower of immortality from Tylos Athens. Within a few years of his
seabed, the snae came up from arrival to Athens, his cult spread
a water hole and ate the fnower. and the god became the most
Thus, the snae acquired immortal important curative deity all over