Page 180 - DILMUN 24
P. 180
Was an Aslepieion founded by the Seleuids
The Asclepius in Beirut The Arabian city of Larisa
is neither a Gree nor an Egyptian, was probably colonized on
but some native Phoenician the instructions of Seleuos
divinity. For the Sady were born by Thessalian soldiers or their
children who are interpreted as descendants, who were living
Diosouroi and Cabeiroi; and in already at the Syrian colony of
addition to these was born an eighth Larisa or by Thessalians, who came
son, Bsmunus [Eshmun], who is directly from Greece. It is possible
interpreted as Asclepius.'(5) that these colonizers, with the
We therefore have a connection encouragement of the Seleuids,
in Phoenician mythology of might have brought with them the
Aslepios and Diosouroi. It is cult of Aslepios, which existed at
not unreasonable that this relation Tria or Larisa. It was from there
was nown to the inhabitants of that it was probably transferred to
Tylos, especially with the possible Tylos.
connection of Tyros in Phoenicia Transfer of the cult to Tylos
Syncretization of cults:
and Tylos in the Gulf. hTerefore, The existence of an Aslepieion
the fact that ephisodoros built a sanctuayr on the island should
temple of Diosouroi on the island have provided Tylos with
might be related to his desire to additional prestige. It could even
bring their cult from his native city made the sanctuary inviolate
Athens but also to erect a temple (asylo) as was the case of the
on hte same island that Aslepios, Aslepieion sanctuayr at Kos.(56)
who was identified with their As we now, the principal temple
brother Eshmun, had a sanctuayr. on the island of Iaros, believed to
The Thessalian connection: be dedicated to Apollo the patron
According to Pliny, a Gree city deity of the Seleuids, has siimlar
by the name of Larisa existed most architectural features to the temple
probably at the Arab side of the of Aslepios at os. We now that
Gulf between Jubail and uwait: at Bgpidauroso, rinthos, Dor and
Here were also formerly the os Aslepios was incorporated
Gree towns of Arethusa, Larisa into a pre-existing cult of Apollo
and Chalcis, which have been and that eventually Aslepios too
destroyed in various wars ."(55) over from his father Apollo, who