Page 176 - DILMUN 24
P. 176
Was a١ Aslepieion founded by the Seleuids
the baths. For example, Herales, washed himself at the fountains
who in Laconia was regarded of the sanctuayr before he waled
as a healing hero and as a deity about with his mother. The ritual
preventing the spread ofepidemics, sequence started generally in
discovered the medicinal waters at the puriifcation baths, followed
the healing shrine of Hippolytos up by fasting and sacriifces. The
in Troizen. When a sanctuary was patient had to spend a night in
founded for the cult ofAmphiaraos the temple's abaton' (long stoa)
at Oropos, among other buildings called 'enoimesis?., The water
the temple included two baths for healing qualities of the Dilmun
healing purposes. When Aslepios deities were veyr much in line with
helped Kleo to deliver her son, the puriifcation healing habits of
whom she carried on her for ifve Gree healing deities and gods.
years, the child upon his birth
The pool chamber of ..ﻲﻳEﺍ
the Barbar temple, ﺑﺒﺘﺎﺐﻫ
which was probably ﻣﻰ ﻟﺞ ﻑ.ﺇ
used for puriifcation
and healing. It reminds ﻓﺜﺮ٧ ' ﻓﺬ
of the deep well used
in the 3rd centuyr B.C.
temple of Aslepios at
Pergamon. (photo by
The upper platfomr ﺏ ﺠ ًﻣﻻ ٠ﺟﻲ
which led to the pool
chamber with the socet ﺯ ﺃ
stones that supported
the cult statues. (photo ﺝ.٣.. 4,
by author)