Page 174 - DILMUN 24
P. 174
Was an Asklepieion founded by the Seleukids
Dr. Fahed A1-Wohaibi, who was geographer Hecateos named the
Director of the Kuwait Museum GuI٤ "nego6g 6lo', The
and is presently at the University Gulf. Theophrastos, who drew on
of Kuwait, have also helped me the lost work of Androsthenes,
understand better the history and called it the Eyrthrean Sea. During
religiosity surrounding the island the time of Alexander it was
of Ikaros. 1 also wish to thank my known both as the Erythrean Sea.
friend Assistant Professor Dr. Adil In his speech at the river Hyphases,
Hashim of the University of Basrah Alexander called it the Gulf.
in relation to our discussions on Both Strabo and Arrian called it
Sumerian religion and theology. the Gulf. For the purpose of this
I wish to clarify that I prefer paper, we will call it the Gulf or
to use the Greek versions of the Brythrean Sea or simply the
names instead of the more popular Gulf. In antiquity, the Gulf was
Latinized versions. For example, a coherent region with its own
I would rather use Asklepios unique identity identified by its
than Asclepius, Pergamon than inhabitants and accepted by its
Pergamum and Seleukid instead neighbours. It was an integrated
of Seleucid. However, I have kept reﺩgion with a mercantile society
the Latinizedlnglish versions for and a maritime culture based on
widely used names of people and intermediate trade, ifshing and
places lie that of Alexander the pearling. In recent times, there is
Great instead of the Gree Megas a competition between the Arab
Alexandros or of Athens instead countries and Iran for the name.
of Athina. The Arab countries want to call it
the Arabian Gulf. Needless to say,
NOTES: any discussion on the subject is
1) Arr. 7, 19.36. The Gulf was outside the scope of this book. The
nown by the Sumerians and the reader is referred to Potter (2009),
Mesopotamians the Lower Sea' pp. 1516- for further reading.
or the Bitter Sea' or even the 2) Potts (1990I), p. 10
Sea of the Rising Sun' while hte 3) St.r 16, 1.11
Mediterranean as theUpper Sea' 4) Gregoratti (2011), p.213
or the Sea of the Setting Sun'. 5) According to Herodotos, the
At around 500 B.C, the Gree yeraly tribute received by Dareios
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