Page 179 - DILMUN 24
P. 179

W٨6 an Aslepieion fonded ly the Seleuids

eventually stopped to be regarded         to Iaros from Didyma or Daphne.
as the chief medical and healing          ls it possible that they have used
Olympian.(57)                             the existing sanctuary of Apollo
                                          at Iaros as a temporary residence
   When Aslepios came to Athens           for the cult of Aslepios in order to
rfom Epidauros, he temporarily            spread to Tylos and elsewhere in
resided in the Eleusinion before          the Gulf Such move might have
he moved to his own sanctuary             been encouraged by the Seleuids
in the heart of the Athenian polis.       since Aslepios was the son oftheir
(58) Could it be possible that the        patron deity and divine brother of
same happened at Iaros Are the            their dynasty 's founder. Therefore,
similarities of Iaros temple A to         the arrival of the cult to Tylos and
Aslepieia elsewhere too much ofa          the Gulf was not a private or a polis
coincidence The Seleuids might            initiative but an initiative baced
have encouraged the transfer of the       by and encouraged by Seleuid
cult in the same way they might           imperialism and ideology.
have transferred the cult of Apollo

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The temple of Aslepios at Kos. Jeppesen, who excavated the fortified settlement and the Apollo
 temple at Iaros, pointed out to the similarities of the two temples. The capitals at both temples

   are positioned in the middle of the entrance of the temple, while the altar is positioned in the
                                            yard in front of the entrance.(59)
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