Page 175 - DILMUN 24
P. 175
Was an Aslepieion founded hby the Seleuids
Conclusion: was regarded as a holy land with
From a Homeric hero-physician, waters of healing and therapeutic
Aslepios turmed to a local properties.The arrival ofAslepios
healing deity and subsequently to at Tylos might not be unrelated to
a Panhellenic healer and helper of the probable Athenian community
the sic and the afflicted. From on the island. It could very well
Tia and Epidauros, he moved have been encouraged by Seleuid
to Korinthos, Athens and Larisa imperialism and ideology. The
just to name a few of the places his Diosouroi temple at Tylos might
cult was established in Greece. In also be related to the existence
the Hellenistic period, it crossed of an Aslepieion on the island
the boundaries of Greece into since, according to Phoenician
Asia Minor to Troad, Ephesos, mythology, Diosouroi and the
Pergamon and Kos. Aslepios Phoenician god Eshmun, who was
extended his presence to the identified with Aslepios, were
eastemr Mediterranean coast to brothers.
iliia, Ptolemaic Egypt, Dor,
Tiberias, Neapolis (Nablus) and [ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:
Asalon. He also too over from I am greatly indebted to Dr. Panos
the Phoenician healing deity Christodoulou of the University
Eshmun in Sidon and Tyros. He of Cyprus who having read a dratf
travelled and became a prominent of the script, offered invaluable
healing deity in Catrhage, Sardinia advice and comments, which
and Rome. He eventually reached prompted for futrher wor and
as fra as Tylos and the Gulf as research that I hope made my
healer and saviour of seamen. arguments more credible. I also
In the words of the 2nd century
A.D. sophist Aelius Aristides, he wish to mention Dr. Abdul A2iz
became the 'god who regulates
and urles the universe, Saviour of Al-Suwaileh, who is presently an
all things, Saviour of what is and
what shall be.(65) independent researcher in Bahrain.
It is quite probable that the His involvement in the Bahraini
cult of Aslepios reached Tylos
due to the fact that the island archaeological excavations
and wealth of nowledge on
Hellenistic Tylos and Dilmun
civiliation were a great help to
me. My numerous discussions with