Page 173 - DILMUN 24
P. 173

Was an ٨sklepieion founded hby the Seleukids

] fom Babylonia was 1000 silver 26) McCasland (1939), p. 225

talents and that from the Gulf 600 27) McCasland (1939), p. 226,

silver talents. Shipley (2000), p. note 3

294. 28) For extensive discussion of

6) Salles (1987), p. 75                       the syncretisation of Eshmun with

7) Gatier, Lombard, Al-Sindi Asklepios and the relation with

(2002). For extensive discussion, Apollo, as

see Kosmin (2013), p. 62.                     well as the possible connection

8) Jeppesen (1989)                            with Astatre, please see Catherine

9) Polyb. 13, 9 .25                           Apicella, in J. C. Couvenhes and

10) PIin. 6,32.152                            B. Legras

11) Austin (2006), p. 344                     (eds.) (2006), pp. 141149-.

12) Kosmin (2013), p. 62                      29) Such evidence is provided by

13) Bibby (1970)                              coins from Amrit and Acre dated

14) Kervran, Hiebetr, Rougeulle 3rd century B.C.

)520 (2,11.‫ﻡ‬                                  30) It was constructed by the

15) Bibby (1970), city V                      Sidonian king BgshmunazaIIr and

16) Homer, lliad, 2, 731,4 ,732- lourished during the Achaemenid

833 ,11 ,194-193                              Era.

17) Merkelbach, West (1967), 31) McCasland (1939), p 222,

f51 note 2

18) Wickkiser (2008), p. 50                   32) Damascius, On hte life of

19) Wickkiser (2008), p. 40, note the philosopher Isidore, Photius,

52                                            Bibliotheca, 242
20) Str. 9, 5.17                              33) McCasland (1939), p 222,

21) Wickkiser (2008), p. 35                   note 3

22) Wickkiser (2008), p. 35, note 34) McCasland (1939), p. 222,

22 note 6
23) Wickkiser (2008), p. 36, note 35) McCasland (1939), p. 222,

34                                            note 7
24) Char.21.10, Wickkiser (2008),             36) Philostratus, LifeofApollonius

p. 38                                         of Tyana, 1.7
25) McCasland (1939), pp. 221-                37) Arr. 2, 5.8
227 and Dauphin (1999), pp. 397-              38) Paus. 8,27.1
                                              39) Macadam (1990), p. 53

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