Page 189 - DILMUN 24
P. 189
Was an Aslepieion foanded hpy the Seleuids
city of eapolis (ablus). This the Eshmun's temple surrounding
is proved by coins struc there groves as "Aslepios Groves'.(32)
by Antoninus Pius in the second Strabo also refers to the groves of
centuyr A.D.(26) ln the iffth Aslepios on the Tamyrus River
centuyr A.D. Proclus, the head of between Sidon and Berytus.
the eo-Platonist school, wrote (33) ear the temple of Eshmunl
a hymn in honour of Aslepios Aslepios temple, a gold plaque
Leontouchos of Asalon.(27) was found of Eshmun and the
Although the evidence is from goddess Hygeia, showing Eshmun
a much later date, we can safely holding a staff in his hand, around
assume that the Aslepios cult was which a serpent was entwined.
there from the Hellenistic period The sanctuary features a series of
as a result of the Hellenization of ritual water basins and installations
the region. channelling water from Aslepios
The introduction of the cult River and rfom a holy spring. The
of Aslepios to the potr cities therapeutic and puriifcatoyr nature
along the Phoenician coast was of the cult of Eshmun is quite
achievedthrough his syncretisation similar to Aslepios attributes
with the impotrant Phoenician god and rituals.(3) Futrher evidence
ofhealingEshmun(,28)inhonourof that Aslepios was identified wiht
whom numerous temples had been Eshmun is Strabo's statement that
erected there. Aslepios, who was Eshmun's temple at Catrhage was
identifned with Eshmun,(29) too devotedtothe worshipofAslepios.
over in the sixth centuyr Eshmun's (35) A trilingual inscription in
temple,(3) which is located near Sardinia identiifes Eshmun and
the Awali Rive,r two m notrheast Aslepios in Gree, Phoenician
of Sidon. This is evidenced by an and Latin. From the evidence,
inscription found there during the we can conclude that during the
excavations of the shrine in 19. Hellenistic period Aslepios too
(31) The connection of Aslepios over from Eshmun in all places
with the shrine is futrher attested of his worship at home and at
by Damascius, who names the Tyros' colonies overseas. It is thus
Awali River 'Aslepios River' and reasonable to assume that his cult