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We are committed to Use Innovative Solutions
Individuals who are concerned regarding fat, cellulite or loose skin on their neck or body the best
candidates and must use the very successful treatment offered by the Viora V-Form skin ghtening & body
contouring system.
The Viora radio frequency makes use of the channeling op mized RF energy (CORE TM) technology, which
has been cleared for use by the FDA. This technology provides a choice of three dis nct radio frequency
channels to affect the cellulite and fat cels to destroy them and prevent new appearance.
These radio frequencies are able to provide temperature concurrently to all layers of skin, resul ng in
remarkable improvements. In addi on to this, the system u lizes vacuum therapy, which improves the
penetra on of RF radia on in the treatment area more deeply and effec vely. This improves not only local
blood circula on but also s mulates lympha c drainage and decreases the number of fat cells!
RF (Radio Frequency) body treatments use radio frequency energy to improve the appearance of the skin
on various areas of the body. These treatments can be used to address a range of concerns, including
cellulite, skin laxity, and uneven skin texture.
During an RF body treatment, Viora device is used to deliver radio frequency energy to the skin. The energy
heats the deep layers of the skin, which s mulates collagen produc on and ghtens the skin. This can
destroy the cellulite cels and fat, reduce the appearance of sagging skin.
V-Form body treatments are o en used on areas such as the chin, abdomen, thighs, knees, arms, back and
bu ocks. They are par cularly effec ve for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or who
have loose, sagging skin due to aging or birth.
RF body treatments are generally considered safe and effec ve for most individuals, although individuals
with certain medical condi ons may not be suitable candidates. It is important to have a consulta on with
a qualified and experienced prac oner before undergoing any RF body treatment to determine if it is
appropriate for you and to discuss any poten al risks and benefits. Thats why we are offering a free
consulta on.
RF body treatments typically require mul ple sessions to achieve the desired results, and the number of
sessions required depends on the individual's condi on and goals. A er the treatment, there may be some
mild discomfort or swelling, but these side effects usually subside within a few hours. It is important to
follow any post-treatment instruc ons provided by the prac oner to ensure proper healing and to
maximize the results of the treatment.