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A Unique and Remarkable Approach
Normal aging, childbirth, weight gain/loss, and menopause can all take their toll on a woman's health and
bring about a variety of worries over me. Incon nence in the urinary tract, vaginal atrophy, dryness,
irrita on, burning, inflamma on, or laxity are all symptoms of aging.
If you've been keeping your pain to yourself, the expert staff at Magnifique Laser Spa recommends
considering Viora's V-VR vaginal rejuvena on procedure. The radio frequency method does not require
incisions or anesthesia, and it can improve women's health and overall well-being regardless of their age or
specific circumstances.
The V-VR by Viora combines the cu ng-edge technologies of Co-Polar and CORE in a single, revolu onary
product. It also includes a
well-cra ed hand piece, that can treat everything from the outermost layer of the vaginal mucosa to the
deepest depth of the vaginal muscle layer for improved vaginal health.
With V-CORE VR's technology, RF energy is delivered to the vagina at precisely controlled depths, securely
and so ly warming the vaginal ssues. That aids in boos ng blood flow and s mula ng the development of
new collagen and elas n, which in turn increases vaginal ghtness, flexibility, and lubrica on naturally. The
painless delivery of RF energy is made possible by Co-Polar technology.
Using V-VR has shown remarkable success in trea ng a wide range of condi ons, including incon nence,
vaginal laxity & dryness, and many others. You may put your worries behind you thanks to this cu ng-edge
technology, which will restore your faith and enhance the quality of your life.
RF vaginal rejuvena on, also known as radio frequency vaginal rejuvena on, is a non-surgical cosme c
procedure that uses radio frequency energy to improve the appearance and func on of the vaginal area.
During the treatment, a handheld device delivers radio frequency energy to the vaginal ssue, which
s mulates collagen produc on and ghtens the skin. This can improve vaginal laxity, reduce vaginal
dryness, and improve sexual sa sfac on.
RF vaginal rejuvena on is o en used to address vaginal laxity and dryness that can occur due to aging,
childbirth, or hormonal changes. It can also help improve urinary incon nence and overall vaginal health.