Page 16 - MAGNIFIQUE 5.8.23D_Neat
P. 16
Continued V-VR
RF vaginal rejuvena on is generally considered safe and effec ve for most women, although it may not be
suitable for individuals with certain medical condi ons, such as ac ve infec ons or pelvic inflammatory
disease. It is important to have a consulta on with a qualified and experienced prac oner before
undergoing any RF vaginal rejuvena on treatment to determine if it is appropriate for you and to discuss any
poten al risks and benefits.
RF vaginal rejuvena on treatments typically require mul ple sessions to achieve the desired results, and
the number of sessions required depends on the individual's condi on and goals. A er the treatment, there
may be some mild discomfort or swelling, but these side effects usually subside within a few days. It is
important to avoid sexual ac vity and tampon use for a few days a er the treatment to allow the ssue to
heal properly.