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Complete Skin Resurfacing
Frac onal RF (Radio Frequency) is a cosme c treatment that uses a combina on of micro-needling and radio
frequency energy to s mulate collagen produc on and improve the appearance of the skin.
Treatments for complete skin resurfacing, clearing of acne scars, reduc on of wrinkles, and pigmenta on
issues are made safer and more comfortable with the advent of frac onal radio frequency (RF). The Viora V-
FR hand piece allows you experience a safe, effec ve alterna ve to more intrusive treatments with minimal
pain and recovery me.
During the treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver radio frequency energy to the skin through a series
of ny pins that penetrate the skin's surface. This creates micro-injuries to the skin, which triggers the body's
natural healing process and s mulates collagen produc on. The result is smoother, firmer, and more
youthful-looking skin.
Only the Viora V-FR hand piece, equipped with Viora's own SVCTM (Switching, Vacuum & Cooling)
technology, can deliver the latest in frac onal RF genera on technology.
Treatments involving coagula ve or abla ve responses can now be performed with greater precision and
control than ever before because of the cu ng-edge Switching, Vacuum, and Cooling capabili es.
As a result of the enhanced control provided by Viora V-FR hand piece plus SVC technology, even more
challenging loca ons to treat, including the neck, décolleté, and hands can be successfully treated.
Frac onal RF treatments are o en used for skin rejuvena on, reducing the appearance of fine lines and
wrinkles, improving skin texture and tone, and reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks. The
treatment can be used on various areas of the body, including the face, neck, and décolletage.
Frac onal RF treatments are generally considered safe and effec ve for most skin types, although individuals
with certain skin condi ons, such as ac ve acne or eczema, may not be suitable candidates. It is important to
have a consulta on with a qualified and experienced prac oner before undergoing any frac onal RF
treatment to determine if it is appropriate for you and to discuss any poten al risks and benefits.
Frac onal RF treatments typically require mul ple sessions to achieve the desired results, and the number of
sessions required depends on the individual's skin condi on and goals. A er the treatment, the skin may be
slightly red and swollen, but these side effects usually subside within a few days. It is important to avoid sun
exposure and to use sunscreen a er the treatment to protect the skin from further damage.