Page 10 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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Such perception-oriented educational practices are indoctrinated, so
they will impact the cognitive silting of students, hinder the development of
student creativity, and limit students' chances of achieving higher-order
thinking. Lately, the concept of learning uses the paradigm of constructivism.
According to constructivist understanding, learning results from its construction
(learner) as a result of its interaction with the learning environment. The
construction of understanding in learning events can be through assimilation or
accommodation. In essence, assimilation and accommodation occur as the
learner attempts to perfect or change the knowledge in his mind.
The knowledge that the learner has possessed is often also termed a
preconception. The process of assimilation occurs when there is a compatibility
between the new experience and the learner's preconceptions. Meanwhile,
accommodation is a process of adaptation, evolution, or change due to the
learner's new experience that does not correspond to his preconceptions.
Based on the constructivist learning paradigm, the principle of media-
mediated instruction occupies a fairly strategic position to realize learning
events optimally. Optimal learning events are one of the indicators to realize
optimal student learning outcomes as well. Optimal learning outcomes are also
one of the financers of quality educational outcomes. Quality education requires
the resources of lecturers who are able and ready to play a professional role in
the campus environment and society.
Technological advances are so massive, encouraging the field of
education to improve in implementing the learning process. One of the uses of
technology in education is hybrid learning. Hybrid learning is often equated
with blended learning. Hybrid/Blended Learning is learning integrating online
classroom activities with planned and meaningful face-to-face learning
activities and considering the portion of implementation.
The teaching media course is a coolie course that integrates theory and
practice. This course aims to give students creativity and innovation in
designing teaching media so that when students enter the world of education,
they already have the provisions to pursue by applying the media that has been