P. 7
A. Description
Teaching Media is a compulsory course with a weight of 2 credits
designed to present various concepts of teaching media. These concepts aim at
complementing the teaching and learning process. Activities in lectures include
the basic concepts of teaching media and their practices to help the learning
process in the classroom. Students will later be exposed to various types of
teaching media, ranging from simple to high-tech teaching media, such as
electronic multimedia and learning media online. In the end, they are expected
to be able to develop their teaching media and use them in the learning process
in the classroom as well as in online learning.
B. College contract
Lectures in one semester consist of 16 meetings, one midterm exam
held in the middle of the semester, and the Final Semester Exam, which will be
held at the end of the lecture.
C. Graduate Learning Outcomes
Realm Graduate Learning Outcomes
1. Dare to submit an opinion.
2. Have an attitude of responsibility towards the
duties assigned by the lecturer.
3. Honest, confident, and meticulous in doing
assignments and exams.
1. Understand the content of the lecture material.
2. Understand the assessments used in the lecture
3. Understand the appropriate learning media for use
in learning.