Page 114 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 114


                       created  by  the  teacher.  Levie  Lentz  in  Azhar  Arsyad  (Arsyad  and  Azhar
                       2003) suggests four functions of teaching media, namely:

                         a.  Attention  Function,  which  attracts  the  attention  of  students  to
                            concentrate on the content of the lesson displayed
                         b.  Affective  part,  namely  the  press,  can  arouse  the  emotions  and

                            attitudes of students, and students can enjoy learning
                         c.  Cognitive Functions, namely the media, facilitate achieving goals to

                            understand and remember the information or messages.
                         d.  Compensatory function, namely, the media, accommodates weak and
                            slow  students  to  accept  and  understand  the  content  of  lessons

                            presented with text/verbal.
                       The functions of concrete media include:

                         a.  A tool to create an effective teaching and learning situation;
                         b.  An integral part of the overall teaching situation;
                         c.  Laying  concrete  foundations  and  abstract  concepts  to  reduce

                            verbalises understanding;
                         d.  Develop student learning motivation;
                         e.  Enhancing the quality of learning.

                    4.  Strengths and Weaknesses of Object-Based Learning Media
                         a.  Strengths:
                             1)  Generating conceptual ideas or ideas, thereby  reducing student

                                misunderstandings in learning it
                             2)  Increases student interest in learning the subject matter

                             3)  Provides real experiences that stimulate self-activity to learn
                             4)  Can develop thoughts Continuous
                             5)  Learning  Provides  experiences  that  are  not  easily  obtained

                                through other materials and makes the learning process deep and

                         b.  Weaknesses:
                            1)  Bringing students to various places outside of school sometimes
                                has risks in the form of accidents and the like
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