Page 117 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 117
A. Introduction
This chapter presents the development of media based on audio-visual
media. The main topics that will be discussed are understanding audio-visual-based
learning media, types of audio-visual-based learning media, and the advantages and
disadvantages of using audio-visual media.
B. Learning Objectives
After attending this lecture, students can explain the meaning of audio-
visual-based learning media, the types of audio-visual-based learning media, and
the advantages and disadvantages of using audio-visual media.
C. Learning Materials
1. Definition of Audio-Visual-Based Learning Media
The use of media in the academic world has an important role other
than as a teaching material; the use of media is an intermediary for delivering
material to students. Simplification of material by utilizing the media today
has become a positive trend. At least teaching and learning activities are not
only focused on the teacher's presentation in front of the class. In addition,
students can still learn even though they are not in the classroom.
The word media comes from the Latin "medius," which literally
means "middle," "intermediary," or "introduction." While in Arabic, "media"
is defined as an intermediary or messenger from the sender to the recipient of
the message (Arsyad and Azhar 2003). Furthermore, the Association of
Education and Communication Technology (AECT) is the basis for
developing learning technology provides limitations on the meaning of media,
namely as all forms and channels that can be used to convey messages or
information. The National Education Association (NEA) in Nunuk Suryani, et
al (Suryani 2021)135) gets its own limitations on the meaning of media,
namely as a form of communication both printed, audio-visual, and all the
According to Yudhi Munandi (2008:55), audio-visual media involve
the senses of hearing and sight directly in one process. The types of messages
that can be distributed are verbal messages and non-verbal messages.