Page 121 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 121


                            Video  shows  can  be  used  to  convey  material  on  various  subjects,
                         such as in English lessons; teachers can present videos discussing how to

                         make speeches, how to submit English language material or others. So
                         that  the  learning  process  is  not  only  focused  on  hearing  and
                         understanding,  but  students  become  active  in  seeing,  hearing,

                         understanding, and practicing directly the new things they get.
                         Here are some advantages of using video as a learning medium:

                             1)  Can  record  events  at  once  with  their  voice  and  can  be played
                                back. Thus past events can be observed again
                             2)  Videos are suitable media for all fields of study and for all grade

                             3)  Video can make in slow motion so that the movements or what

                                is recorded can be observed really.
                            Nevertheless, video learning media also has several weaknesses and
                        obstacles  in  its  use;  here  are  some  of  the  challenges  that  are  often

                        encountered in its use:
                             1)  The nature of communication is only one-way without reciprocal

                             2)  Using  videos,  students  are  constantly  glued  to  watching,  not
                             3)  The equipment used is expensive

                             4)  Must use electricity
                         d.  LCD Projector (Liquid Crystal Display)

                              LCD projector (Liquid Crystal Display) is one of the optical and
                         electronic devices. The system works to produce bright light so that it can
                         project writing and images that can be adequately emitted onto the screen

                         (Hujair, 2015: 144).
                              LCD media is an electronic device in the form of a projector screen

                         that  displays  visual  images  as  an  educational  tool  that  can  be  used  to
                         achieve learning objectives.
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