Page 52 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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                                  learning. This means the extent to which the willingness and
                                  effort of the teacher are concerned.

                          b.  Types of Learning Resources
                              Message (message) is learning information to be conveyed, which
                          can be in the form of ideas, facts, teachings, values , and data. Messages

                          are  learning  information  that  will  be  conveyed,  which  can  be  in  the
                          form of ideas, facts, teachings, values , and data.

                              People (people) are humans who act as seekers, stores, processors,
                          and  presenters  of  messages,  for  example,  teachers,  lecturers,  tutors,
                          librarians,  laboratory  assistants,  instructors,  sports  coaches,  experts,

                          producers, researchers, and many more, including the students.
                              Materials  are  software  containing  learning  messages  usually

                          presented  through  specific  equipment.  Examples  include  textbooks,
                          modules, transparencies (OHT), audio cassettes, video cassettes, sound
                          slide  programs,  programmed  instructions,  CAI  (computer-based

                          learning), and films.
                              Tools are hardware (hardware) used to present messages stored in
                          the  material.  Examples  include  OHP,  slide  projector,  tape  recorder,

                          video/CD player, computer, film projector, and others.
                              Techniques  are  particular  procedures  or  steps  that  are  prepared
                          using materials, tools, environments, and people to convey messages,

                          for  example,  demonstrations,  discussions,  practicums,  independent
                          learning, open/distance education systems, face-to-face tutorials, and so

                              The setting/environment is the situation around the learning process
                          where students receive learning messages. The environment is divided

                          into two types, namely, the physical environment and the non-physical
                          environment.  The  physical  environment  includes  school  buildings,

                          libraries, laboratories, halls, workshops, and others. At the same time,
                          the  non-physical  environment  includes  study  room  layout,  air
                          ventilation, weather, atmosphere, learning environment, and others.
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