Page 58 - C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Flip PDF Corporate Edition\2023.1《香韵》杂志-第十三期 - 线上版\
P. 58
S henzhen Bo ton has been listed in the "T o p 500 En terprises in
Shenzhen Boton has been listed in the "Top 500 Enterprises in
Shenzhen" for five consecutive years
S henzhen" f or fi v e consecuti v e y e a r s
文 / 行政中心
By Administrative Center
及《2022 深圳 500 强企业发展报告》。深圳波顿香料有限公司凭借品牌影响、营业收入、发展潜力、社会价值等
方面的综合实力再度强势登榜,连续第五年登榜“深圳企业 500 强”!
On September 21, 2022, Shenzhen Enterprise Confederation and Shenzhen Entrepreneur Association
(hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Enterprise Confederation) officially released the "2022 Shenzhen Top 500
Enterprises List" and the "2022 Shenzhen Top 500 Enterprises Development Report". Shenzhen Boton Flavor Co., Ltd.
has once again made a strong debut on the list with its comprehensive strength in terms of brand influence, business
income, development potential, social value, etc., and has been listed among the "Top 500 Enterprises in Shenzhen"
for the fifth consecutive year!