Page 261 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 261

Text Handling        261

              Indents and Outdents
                    Indent a paragraph of text.

                    Outdent a paragraph of text.

              Line spacing
                                  Line spacing allows you to change the space between two lines
                                  (so affects vertical spacing).

              Line spacing is measured in percentages (120%) or points (12pt). You can either type
              the line space value in the text box or click the arrows to nudge the values.

              A percentage setting has the benefit of scaling accordingly if you change your font size. If
              a percentage is applied to a line of text with more than one font size, the largest font size
              is used. For example, if a line contains 90% and 100% text, the line spacing is calculated
              on 100%.
              Paragraph Spacing

                            The last two fields on the end of the TEXT TOOL InfoBar allow you to set
                              the spacing above and/or below paragraphs.

              This is particularly useful where you want half line spaces between paragraphs.

              Like Microsoft Word, when you use both spacing above and below paragraphs, the
              spacing between paragraphs is whichever is the greater value (it's not
              cumulative). Paragraph spacing above paragraphs will move the first paragraph down in
              a frame of text.

              Text links

              You can apply a link to any part of a text object, so that when the document is exported
              as HTML the text shows as a clickable link in web browsers.

               Use the TEXT TOOL to select the words or characters that you want to apply the
               link to, then click the link button on the WEB toolbar.

              This brings up the WEB PROPERTIES dialog, with the LINK tab selected. On this tab you
              can choose whether to link to a URL, to another page of your website, or even to a
              heading or a pop-up layer.

              By default when you apply a link to some text, the text is shown as underlined and with
              the text link color that is defined for the current document. You can change the link color
              and whether or not the links are underlined, on the WEBSITE tab of the WEB PROPERTIES
              (on page 300) dialog (right click and choose WEB PROPERTIES or choose WEB
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