Page 266 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 266

266      The Fill Tool

                 FLAT FILLS - the shape has an even color or tone over its surface.

                 LINEAR FILLS - the color gradually changes from one color to

                 CIRCULAR FILLS - the color change radiates out from a single point
                 in a circular pattern.

                 ELLIPTICAL FILLS - similar to circular fills except the change
                 radiates out in an elliptical pattern.

                 CONICAL FILLS - the color change rotates around a single point.
                 The effect is of a cone lit from one side with the opposite side in
                 another color.

                 DIAMOND FILLS - similar to elliptical fills, except the fill is like a

                 THREE-COLOR FILLS - shows three different colors as if spotlights
                 were lighting the object.

                 FOUR-COLOR FILLS - the same as three-color fills, except four
                 colors are possible.

                 BITMAP FILLS - the object is filled with one or more tiled copies of a
                 bitmap or photo. All photos you see in Xara Web Designer
                 Premium are bitmap filled shapes (normally rectangles of course).
                 Any photo can be used, or any bitmap in the BITMAP or FILL

                 FRACTAL CLOUDS - produces a patchy random fill which is
                 especially useful for clouds or mist.

                 FRACTAL PLASMA - a patchy random fill which has more contrast
                 than a fractal cloud fill.

                The FILL Tool lets you apply these fill types to the selected object(s) and to edit and
                adjust the fills.
                Automatic select inside
                In the Fill Tool, an automatic "Select inside" is performed when you click on an object
                that is a part of a group, instead of selecting the group as a whole. This makes it easier
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