Page 264 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 264

264      Text Handling

                your site in a way that means text using that font will appear correct to everyone viewing
                it, whether or not they already have that font installed.

                To help your website load faster, only Western characters are included in the embedded
                font, unless your document uses other characters also.
                When you export or preview a website document that uses fonts that aren’t web safe,
                Web Designer Premium will show you a warning, listing those fonts that will be
                embedded in your website. This helps to remind you that your site includes embedded
                fonts. You can also see which fonts a document is using, together with its permissions by
                viewing "FILE" > "DOCUMENT INFO..."  See Font permissions (on page 264) for more info.

                Some fonts do not permit embedding in a document or website. Web Designer Premium
                detects such fonts and will show you a separate alert if you attempt to use any such fonts
                in your website document. You should change to a different font that is either web safe, a
                Google font or a font that does permit embedding.

                Font permissions

                When embedding fonts there are four levels of font permissions, that is to say four levels
                of usability depending on how the font has been licensed. The four levels are...
                1.   Installable - the most permissive level. Allows the font to be embedded in the
                    document and installed permanently on the guest computer.
                2.   Editable - Allows the font to be embedded in the document but only allows it to be
                    used temporarily on the system.
                3.   Print and Preview -  Allows the font to be embedded in the document but only for
                    printing and viewing purposes.
                4.   Restricted - The font cannot be embedded in a document.

                 Apart from the warnings Web Designer Premium shows you listing those fonts that will
                be embedded in your website, it is also possible to view their permissions levels by
                looking at the DOCUMENT INFO. Go to "FILE" > "DOCUMENT INFO...".

                Document info dialog showing fonts together with their embedding permissions.
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