Page 262 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 262

262      Text Handling

                PROPERTIES from the UTILITIES menu). You can also set the color to be shown when the
                user moves the mouse pointer over a text link in a web browser (“Mouse Over Color”),
                and the “Visited Color” which is used to display links which the viewer has already visited
                with their web browser.

                Text inside groups for websites

                When a document is exported as a website, all groups get exported as images. So any
                text inside groups can’t be selected and copied as text by a visitor to your site.

                For graphical buttons, headings, logos etc. this is usually desirable as the text just forms
                part of the graphic. But you may have more substantial pieces of text inside groups which
                you want to remain as text in your exported web page. To arrange this, all you need to do
                is apply the special name “HTMLText” to your text object. The easiest way to do this is as

                1.   Go into the TEXT TOOL and click on your text to insert the text cursor.
                2.   Press escape so that the whole text object becomes selected.
                3.   Open the Name dialog ("UTILITIES" > "NAMES...").
                4.   Either select the “HTMLTEXT” name from the “APPLY NAME” dropdown list if you’ve
                    already used it in the current document, or type in the name “HTMLText”. Then click
                    “ADD” to add the name.

                Now, when you export your website, your text will remain as text and the rest of the
                group will be converted to an image. All the text panels provided in the ONLINE CONTENT
                CATALOG already have this name applied to the text objects inside them, so the text on
                the panels will export as text.

                Browsers can’t render rotated text, so you can’t use this name to force rotated text to be
                exported as text. The name is ignored in this case.

                Copying text appearances

                It’s easy to copy the style of any text to any other region of text using the PASTE
                FORMAT/ATTRIBUTES feature:

                •  Select the source region from where you want to copy the style. This can be as little as
                  a word (just double click).
                •  Select "EDIT" > "COPY" ("Ctrl + C").
                •  Select the region of text to which you want to apply the style.
                •  Select "EDIT" > "PASTE FORMAT/ATTRIBUTES" ("Ctrl +  + A").

                If you just have the text cursor positioned in some text when you PASTE
                FORMAT/ATTRIBUTES the paragraph attributes will be pasted to this paragraph.
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