Page 278 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 278

278      Transparency

                Transparency types

                Web Designer Premium supports the main types of transparency used by many other
                applications and include the following types:
                Normal (Mix)
                The color of the object mixes with the color of underlying objects. The effect is similar to
                spraying a thin coat of color (or paint) over underlying objects.

                Multiply (Stained glass)
                The effect is similar to viewing underlying objects through colored glass. It is useful for
                the simulation of glass and selectively darkening objects. The colors of objects with
                Multiply applied are:

                •  White - no effect on the colors of underlying objects.
                •  Gray & Black - darkens the colors of underlying objects.
                •  Other colors - darken underlying colors towards saturated color (light red over light red
                  results in mid-red: green over red results in black).

                Technically the process is subtractive in RGB color space.

                Screen (Bleach)
                Screen has no clear analogy in the physical world. It is useful for highlights when the light
                source is not white. The color of the object with Screen applied:

                •  Gray & White - lightens the colors in underlying objects.
                •  Black - no effect on the colors of underlying objects.
                •  Other colors - lighten underlying colors towards unsaturated color. (Light-red over
                  light-red gives a pale-red: green over red gives yellow.)

                Technically the process is additive in RGB color space.

                For these transparency types, the slider controls the amount of transparency from
                opaque (0% transparent) to fully (100%) transparent.

                Applying a flat transparency to an object also applies transparency to the line around the
                object. It is not possible to set different transparencies, but you can remove the line by
                setting it to no color or by selecting "None" as the outline width. To create an object with
                a transparent fill and a non-transparent line, use a non-flat transparency type.

                For more information on colors see Color Handling (on page 180).
                Note that for legacy reasons, Web Designer Premium documents which contain older
                transparency types will still refer to those types by their original names, even though
                those types are no longer supported in Web Designer Premium.  Look for (old) in the
                transparency type list to identify them.

                Blends, Blend modes, Blending
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