Page 279 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 279

Transparency         279


              You can change the rate of change of transition between the start and end of
              transparencies. This applies to all single stage graduated transparency types except
              three point and four point (where the option is not available).
              To change the profile of a transparency:

              1.   Select the object.
              2.   On the TRANSPARENCY Tool InfoBar click PROFILE. This opens the PROFILE dialog.
              3.   You either select a predefined profile from the dropdown list or drag the sliders to
                  create a custom profile. The top option in the dropdown list (the straight line)
                  creates a linear transition between the start and end of the transparency.

              The Transparency profile dialog


              BITMAP & FILL GALLERIES are described in Photo Handling (on page 364) and Fills (on
              page 274).

              When you select a transparency type of BITMAP, a default bitmap is initially used. Click on
              BITMAP NAME in the transparency InfoBar, or use the BITMAP or FILL GALLERIES to change
              the bitmap used (click the TRANSP button in the gallery or drag-and-drop from the
              By default, the lighter colors in a bitmap are the most transparent (you can, of course,
              alter the relative amounts of transparency later).
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