Page 283 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 283

Shadows        283

              Blur the edges of the shadow
                                               This changes the size of the shadow. A small
                                               blur gives the effect of a sharp light source, a
                                               large blur, a diffused or distant light source. It
                                               is recommended that shadows are always
                                               blurred slightly as this is more realistic.

              To blur the shadow edge:

              1.   Select the object
              2.   Choose the SHADOW Tool.
              3.   On the SHADOW Tool InfoBar either drag the blur slider or type a value into the text
                  box on the right.

              Change the transparency of the shadow

                                                  A semi-transparent shadow is more
                                                  realistic than a solid shadow. But you can
                                                  change the transparency level of the
                                                  shadow to suit your needs.

              To change the transparency:

              1.   Select the object
              2.   Choose the SHADOW Tool.
              3.   On the SHADOW Tool InfoBar, drag either the transparency slider or type a value into
                  the text box on the right.

              Changing the shadow color or fill effect

              After applying a shadow to an object, you can change the shadow's color or fill effect.
              You can apply any of Xara Web Designer Premium's color effects including multi-stage

              How to change the shadow color:
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