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280      Transparency


                If you have a handle selected, this box tells you what handle it is. With no handles
                selected, and when using a bitmap transparency, it controls the DPI.

                Applying transparency to several objects

                If you group objects and apply transparency, the whole group is treated as one object
                and the entire group is made transparent. But if the objects are not grouped and you
                apply transparency, each individual object is given a separate transparency and you get
                an entirely different effect when the objects are overlaid.

                Individual transparency (left) or group transparency (right)

                Mixing individual and group transparencies
                You can combine the methods above to create complex transparency combinations. For
                example you could set an object to 50% transparency, then group it and apply a
                transparency to the group as well. You are also able to apply a transparency to a group
                first, and then later apply attributes to individual objects within a group. Just hold down
                "Ctrl", click the individual object and change its attributes.
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