Page 284 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 284

284      Shadows

                For more on colors and the Color Line refer to Color handling (on page 180).

                The easiest way is to drag & drop a color from the Color Line onto the shadow (make
                sure you drop the color onto the shadow and not the object). Alternatively - this method is
                slightly more complex, but you have full control over the color:

                   1.  Select the shadow using the SELECTOR Tool (make sure you select the shadow
                       and not the object).
                   2.  Use the COLOR EDITOR to edit the color.

                Removing a shadow

                To remove a soft shadow:

                 1.   Select the object
                 2.   Choose the SHADOW Tool.
                 3.   Select the NO SHADOW button on the SHADOW Tool InfoBar.

                Applying a shadow to several objects

                The result of applying a shadow depends on whether the objects are grouped:
                                                             •  If the objects are grouped,
                                                               overlapping shadows merge
                                                               (they do not get darker if they
                                                             •  If the objects are ungrouped,
                                                               each object has a separate
                                                               shadow. Overlapping areas of
                                                               shadow are darker.

                •  If you have several shadowed objects selected, any changes apply to all the shadows.

                Selecting objects using the Shadow Tool

                Before you can apply or edit a shadow on an object, you must first select that object. The
                regular way of selecting objects is to use the Selector Tool but you can also use the
                SHADOW Tool, simply click on the object while in the SHADOW Tool.
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