Page 289 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 289

Bevels      289

              Changing the bevel shape
              1.   Select the object
              2.   Choose the BEVEL Tool.
              3.   Choose the bevel shape you want from the BEVEL TYPE list.

              Changing the bevel color or fill effect
              After applying a bevel to an object, you can change the bevel's color or fill effect. You can
              apply any of Xara Web Designer Premium's color effects including multi-stage fills.

              For more on colors and the Color Line, refer to Color handling (on page 180).

              How to change the bevel color:

              •  The easiest way is to drag-and-drop a color from the Color Line onto the bevel (make
                sure you drop the color onto the bevel and not the object.)

              Alternatively, this method is slightly more complex but you have full control over the

              1.   Select the bevel using the SELECTOR Tool (make sure you select the bevel and not
                  the object.)
              2.   Use the COLOR EDITOR to edit the color.

              Changing the bevel join style
                                                    After applying a bevel to an object, you
                                                    can change the shape of the corners

              How to change the bevel join style:

              1.   Select the object.
              2.   Click the appropriate join button on the BEVEL Tool InfoBar.

                    Miter      Round      Bevel

              Removing a bevel

              To remove a bevel:
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