Page 292 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 292

292      The Mold Tool

                Web Designer Premium draws a rectangle around the object or selection. You can drag
                the control handles at each corner of the rectangle to produce the perspective effect.

                You can rotate, resize and skew the perspectivized object using the SELECTORTOOL.

                You may want to move control handles without redrawing the perspectivized object
                (doing this speeds up screen redraws).

                      To do this select the DETACH MOLD button. To refit the object, deselect the

                Using vanishing points

                As you reduce the size of the sides of the perspective mold, you see a "vanishing point"
                target. This is similar to vanishing points in conventional perspective drawings.

                                              You can use vanishing points to obtain consistent
                                              perspective for several objects.

                All three objects share a common vanishing point at the small cross.
                The perspective mesh
                      This button paints a faint series of dots in a grid to preview the degree of
                       perspective distortion of an object.
                Using molds

                You may want to apply the same perspective to several objects. To do this you create a
                mold shape, copy it to the clipboard and then use it to perspectivize the other objects. A
                perspective mold shape must have four straight sides:

                 This is acceptable as a mold   These are not acceptable. The object on the left has too
                 shape                      many sides (must be four). The object on the right has
                                            curved sides (must be straight).
                Removing perspective

                           Click REMOVE to remove perspective.
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