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296      Photo Regions and Masks

                The Photo Region and Mask tools

                       The mask drawing tools can be found on the mask tool flyout bar.

                The mask tool flyout bar

                        The MASK PAINTER TOOL is the default mask tool and allows you to 'paint' over
                        the area you want to mask. Choose an appropriate nib size from the InfoBar and
                        create a mask shape by stroking over the object. Holding down the 'Shift' key
                        together with the left mouse button will let you erase parts of the mask.
                        Use the Freehand Mask tool to draw closed shapes around the areas or objects
                        you want to mask in much the same way as you would a pencil. Like the
                        Freehand and Brush tool the InfoBar also has a smoothing control and you can
                        also hold down the 'Shift' key to erase your line as you draw.
                        The RECTANGLE MASK tool lets you drag a rectangular mask area. You can
                        modify your shape using the width and height settings on the InfoBar.
                        Use the SHOW MASK OR REGION button to toggle the mask on or off. Turning off a
                        mask/region in this way does not delete it, so you can get it back at any time by
                        turning it on again, but while turned off it won’t affect any mask/region-aware
                        The INVERT MASK button inverts the masked area so masked areas become
                        unmasked and vice-versa.

                        Use the CLEAR MASK button to remove all the mask shapes.

                The INVERT and CLEAR functions also appear on the infobar.

                On the infobar there is also a toggle for turning mask/region outlines on and off. This is
                only normally useful when using these tools to edit regions inside Photo Groups. All it
                does is turn off the outline, so this toggle is Not the same as the SHOW MASK OR REGION
                button described above, which turns on/off the whole mask/region. See Photo Groups
                (on page 354) for details.

                For more information on the smoothing control feature see the Freehand and Brush tool.
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