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294      The Mold Tool

                The above example shows the 4 curve handles of the corners have been dragged
                outwards to bend the content of the mold.

                You can also rotate, resize and skew the enveloped object using the SELECTOR TOOL.

                The mold mesh button
                      The Mesh button displays a series of faint dots which can help preview the
                       distortions that the envelope mold is giving.
                Envelope molds

                You can create an envelope mold from any four sided shape, which you can distort as
                you require, and then use as an envelope mold by clicking the PASTE ENVELOPE button
                on the MOLD TOOL InfoBar.

                Editing mold shapes

                You can edit the contents of a mold (essentially a group) using editing inside groups.
                Editing is not possible using direct selection inside (molds do not allow objects inside
                them to become selected). To edit a mold inside, right click on the mold and choose
                OPEN MOLD from the context menu.

                You can edit the shape of envelope or perspective molds with the SHAPE TOOL (or the
                edit handles with SELECTOR TOOL, if shown). According to the nature of molds, there are
                some restrictions:
                •  You cannot add point handles to a perspective or envelope mold, because it has to
                  stay a  four-sided shape
                •  You cannot change a straight line of a perspective mold into a curve.
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