Page 337 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 337

Website Backgrounds            337

              Website Backgrounds

              Most of the page designs in the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG have two types of
              background. A wide Pasteboard background that extends across the background of the
              whole browser window when your site is exported. And on top of this sits the Page
              background with the various other elements that constitute the web page.

              By default the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG web templates have a Main variant and a
              Mobile variant contained within the same web document.

                    Pasteboard/browser background
                    Page background
              Setting the Page and Pasteboard background colors
              When you create a new blank document ("FILE" > "NEW") the page defaults to being
              transparent (no color) so you just see the pasteboard color behind it which is white by
              default. This page area is where you place all the elements of your website. You will also
              see a faint rectangle guide outline which shows the boundary of the page against the
              pasteboard. You can turn this guide off should you wish - by right clicking on the page
              and de-selecting "PAGE BACKGROUND" > "SHOW PAGE SIZE".
              If you drag a color from the Color Line over the pasteboard, and drop it, the entire
              background will be set to that color. This is because the page background in its default
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