Page 341 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 341

Website Backgrounds            341


              Depending on the nature and size of the image, you may or may not want the image to
              be ‘tiled’ repeatedly to fill the background. To change this setting, right click on the page
              or pasteboard background (again depending on which you want to change) and select or
              unselect the ‘tiled’ option in the Page Background / Pasteboard background sub-menu.

              Fill browser window
              When using a photo on the pasteboard background (which becomes the web browser’s
              background), there is a further option. You can opt for your photo to change size
              depending on the size of the visitor’s browser window. As the browser window is resized,
              the photo resizes to match. Right-click on the pasteboard and turn on "PASTEBOARD

              Page and Pasteboard Background Layers

              If you open the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY  you will see both the PAGE BACKGROUND LAYER
              and the PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND LAYER. These layers hold the objects that make up
              the two backgrounds in your document.

              These layers are normally locked, so you can’t select and edit their contents. But you can
              unlock them in the PAGE & LAYER GALLERY in order to perform some limited editing in
              order to customize your page or pasteboard backgrounds. Just click on the lock symbols
              next to the layers to unlock them. Once unlocked, you can make a background layer
              current (so new objects are drawn on it) or edit the objects on them just as for normal

              If for example you had chosen a different color for your page background, you’d see a
              rectangle become selected (look at the status bar!) when you clicked on your page
              background. You can now do some limited editing of this rectangle, such as give it a
              graduated fill using the FILL TOOL, or give it rounded corners using the RECTANGLE TOOL.

              If you have placed items on the pasteboard - you might for example have graphics,
              photos or other pieces of work in progress that you don't want to appear as part of your
              web document -  then these items won't appear when you preview the webpage. If you
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